Preventive – strengthen your immune system now
“Bio Algen Complex BAC-F3“ activates your inner genius with the most powerful natural antioxidants and increases vitality, promotes healthy ageing, improves performance in physically active people
Especially suitable for weak immune systems due to infections (Eg. Corona-Virus), Colds, indigestion, fatigue and increased motivation at work / sport
- BSF/BAC-F3 as powerful protection of the immune system and defence against toxins
- BSF/BAC-F3 as metabolic repair and metabolic fountain of youth
- BSF/BAC-F3 with natural antioxidants
- BSF/BAC-F3 as energy-rich and performance-enhancing food

What is the advantage of taking BAC BioNutrition in everyday life?
Firstly, for general nutrition and health support and maintenance: The proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients in BAC-BioNutrition blends are known to support the maintenance of general health and a healthy immune system. BAC-BioNutrition is a natural whole food solution known to help your body maintain good health.
BAC-BioNutrition is also great for gut health when it comes to increasing efficient digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, which can lead to less cravings and less food consumed. Many independent studies show that high-quality nutrients awaken your body’s natural healing power. The American Cancer Society informs us that antioxidants and other carotenoids promote optimal health by boosting the immune system and protecting our cells from free radicals.

For sports, athletics and fitness: BAC BioNutrition is ideal for the active, athletic individual who wants to achieve peak performance, prevent injury and promote recovery without using dangerous synthetic products, whether bodybuilding, cycling, swimming or other fitness activities that put stress on the body.
For vegans and vegetarians: Each Bionutrition BAC capsule is made up of over 50% complete vegetarian proteins with a net utilisation of over 95%. The algae also contain the rare vitamin B12. Large animal studies have shown that the intake of proteins and other nutrients from the daily diet is increased by eating algae.
Read the 20 Reasons why BAC BioNutrition is good for you
Almost all studies that show powerful benefits of astaxanthin on our health have been conducted with natural astaxanthin. This is one of the reasons why we have chosen to promote only natural products.
High Bioavailability with BAC Bio Algae Complex
In contrast to other algae, BAC (BioAlgenComplex – BioSuperFood) have a very high bioavailability. Compared to ordinary products available on the market with Chlorella, a green microalgae a nutritious food, they do not have the same antiviral, anticancer and immunostimulant properties as BAC Biosuperfood. Their chlorella cell wall consists of indigestible cellulose, while the spirulina cell wall in BAC Biosuperfood consists of complex proteins and sugars that are easily digestible by humans. This mixture achieves excellent synergies and a balance that is not achieved with individually occurring algae.

The latest scientific findings show that algae should be an integral part of our daily diet.
Learn in this e-Book why only certain algae are non-toxic for us humans.
(E-Book currently only in German)

BioNutrition Bio Algae Complex | BAC F2-180
BioSuperFood BAC-F2 was specially designed for adults. BAC-F2 is the further development of the successful BAC-F1 formula. BAC-F2 is suitable for people with an increased stress level, women in menopause, all adults men over 40 and naturally active hobby, professional athletes.
We recommend “Bio Algae Complex BAC-F2” to support the general diet, to support the immune system,…
All our food is 100% organic, vegan and pesticide free. BAC (BioAlgenComplex) can be taken daily by humans as well as by animals. Learn more about it here.